How To Use Infographics To Help Engage Your Employees

May 1, 2024

Only around 36% of employees are engaged at a workplace. Around half of them are disengaged and more than 10% are actively disengaged

Employee engagement is vital to the working of an establishment, yet is so tricky to master. 

Visual engagement tools such as infographics can go a long way in keeping employees happy and focused. 

Read on to know how you can incorporate infographics in day-to-day office activities to boost employee engagement. 

How to use Infographics to help engage your employees

Infographics have been the toast of the online spaces for a while now. 

An infographic is an appealing way to present tedious data, weave stories out of observations and grab the attention of everyone in a room.

While brands have been increasingly using infographics to woo customers, they offer great advantages to be used in employee engagement tactics as well.

Replacing textual and verbal pieces of information with vibrant infographics helps grab the attention of the receiver almost immediately. You get to explain what you want better and summarize information better in a way that isn’t overwhelming. 

Here is how you can use infographics in your workplace to engage employees better and boost their productivity. 

1. Explain your company values

If we are being realistic, company values and vision are some of the things that an employee is least interested in — despite them being of critical importance. It goes without saying that an employee should be aligned with their company’s values.

Explaining your vision and values with the help of infographics helps them understand the bigger picture better. They understand both the company’s vision and their role in it. It helps them place the meaning behind the tasks they perform.

This way, they become more engaged in it as they feel more than just an employee. They realize that they are a part of the company and an important one at that. Emotional attachment to their work helps them do better in the long run.

You can divide the vision you present for your employees into various segments such as goals, values, what their role is and how they help in building your team. This simplifies the information and creates a fulfilling narrative for employees to fall back on in case they face difficulties.

2. Employee training

Employee training is one of the most proactive areas to explore infographics. They offer a way to condense winding educational material into consumable pieces of information. They are both easy to track and go back to in case the employee forgets something.

They are especially great when the training is supposed to be physical, operating machinery for example. It is easier to demonstrate the correct and wrong ways to do it when presented in a visual medium that you can consume at your own pace.

This is not to say that you should turn every piece of information into infographics. Text and videos are equally important in delivery in educating and training employees. The idea should be to break walls of text with quick infographics that capture the attention of the reader.

3. Work meetings

Including visual tools in your day-to-day operations is a great way to engage your employees better. Many team leaders refrain from it under the false assumption that infographics are hard to make. That is completely untrue.

You can make simple infographics in minutes. They don’t have to be intricately detailed or throughout — just something that explains the matter best. Infographics are a much better alternative than simply speaking to explain a project.

It is especially beneficial for new workers who may not be accustomed to the company culture. Receiving information in such simplified terms makes it easier for them to follow it. Moreover, this approach also livens up team meetings.

Another benefit of this approach lies in the shareable nature of infographics. Simply share the graphic with your team once the meeting is over. They can refer back to it for help, helping them complete tasks more efficiently.

4. General office discussions 

Who says infographics cannot be a part of your office parties? 

When they can make work fun, they can certainly elevate your social gatherings as well. For starters, you can use them to summarize an event or trip.

Listing out the events, requirements, itinerary needed along with the dos and don’ts helps create a clearer picture of the event. It lets the employees know what to expect. It also decreases unnecessary confusion and queries you may receive. 

You can use them during events to, say, explain the games you play. Or you can have them describe the general conduct you need employees to have for a leisure event. These are simple techniques that go a long way in both engaging and educating employees.

Once again, employees can share them amongst themselves to look over whenever they need to. You will not have to repeat the same information and can also reach out to employees that may not be currently present.

5. Workplace procedures

Every workplace has certain procedures — whether they are for mundane tasks like filling out registers and forms, or for things like operating heavy machinery. These are tasks that are performed routinely and in repetition.

By creating visuals to simply explain these tasks, you encourage your team to perform them efficiently and in a timely manner. Something as simple as making entries about the items you take from the storage can be regulated via infographics.

People will know what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it. It relieves them of the hesitation to ask about trivial things. Ultimately, it makes for a smooth flow of operations.

Moreover, visualization of complex procedures like documentation helps employees understand it better. They would now be clear about what needs to be done. Though we recommend that you don’t completely do away with the textual information. Use infographics as a visual aid instead of a replacement.

6. Safety procedures

You should probably already be doing this. No employee will go around asking for the safety protocols of their workplace, yet it is something they absolutely should be knowing about. This is even more important for newer employers.

We recommend that you both hand out graphics about the safety protocols and have them be placed all around the workplace. This way you can make sure every employee definitely understands what needs to be understood.

Even if your place of work doesn’t classify as a high-risk area, it is certainly helpful to have useful information like this around. Additionally, it lets your employees know that they work in a safe environment and their company truly cares about their well-being.

7. Relay information

Whether it’s the plan for the next or the dress code or the party at the weekend, virtually any information that needs to be relayed to your employee can be relayed through an infographic. It makes for a fun, engaging way to absorb information that they otherwise might skip on.

Think about it — would you rather send a lengthy email describing the dress code to a new employee or would you rather a few pictures with minimal texts explaining it. You don’t have to do this or every piece of information, only the ones that need simplification. 

What is more, you can ask your employees which method they prefer. It will show them that their input matters and you are willing to make changes for them. It promotes organizational transparency and promotes healthy communication.

8. Promote employee well-being

One of the most important aspects of working — especially in the post-pandemic era — is mental health. People’s mental health has been adversely affected during these tough times. Knowing that their company cares about their well-being goes a long way in fostering a positive work environment. 

There is a lot you can do from your end. For starters, send out emails with infographics about how to take care of their physical and mental health. You can follow it up with emails about work-life balance.

Practical advice that may help someone in need is better than just stating that you are there for them. Your team can always come back to this information in time of need. Most importantly, it will let them know that they are a valued part of your group.

Moreover, you can conduct sessions promoting their well-being. You can share infographics about what activities they can partake in and what they can do in general for better health. Such an approach encourages them to be honest about any struggles they may be facing.

You can help them overcome them and perform better in general. Employees that feel valued will always strive to perform better on principle.


Incorporating infographics in your day-to-day operations may feel like an insignificant change but can go a long way in retaining the attention of everyone around you and engaging them in the tasks at hand.

Engagement at work can boost productivity by almost 21%

Happy and dedicated employees are the backbone of any organization. And visual engagement is just the way to do so.


July 7, 2024
Feedback is one of the most frustrating elements of being a leader. An effective leader incorporates feedback into their management style. This not only improves performance but enhances employee satisfaction . The research is clear: employees want feedback. When managers provide valuable feedback, they create a culture where everyone does their best. Plus, it shows staff that their contributions make a real difference, which is key to feeling appreciated. 96% of employees say that getting regular feedback is good, while 41% of people have left a job because they felt they weren’t listened to. Furthermore, 83% of employees say they appreciate getting feedback, whether positive or negative. That’s because generally, people want to do their best. Shaping a culture where everyone works hard and offers unique contributions will make your entire staff more productive, happier, and especially loyal. 10 Effective feedback techniques 1. Sandwich Feedback This is one of the most common and most impactful forms of feedback. Chances are, you’ve received input at some point in your own life using this method. In these instances, you would sandwich a negative piece of feedback between two positive terms. You start with some form of praise, then focus on areas for improvement, and end with more positive feedback. This is particularly effective for people who have some really strong areas, along with things that need to be improved. For example: “I want to commend you for the great work you did on the Smith project. Your attention to detail was outstanding there. The only thing that we might want to improve is the timeliness of your deliverables. It seems we missed a few deadlines along the way, so I just wanted to remind you of the importance of meeting those milestones on time. That being said, I’m confident you will improve in that area and overcome any obstacles you might be facing here, because you have a tremendous work ethic. We’ve always been able to count on your skills and dedication.” 2. DESC (Describe, Express, Specify, Consequences) With this method, the goal is to deliver feedback in the most balanced way. The focus is on providing feedback that is clear and concise, while being constructive. With this tactic, you break down feedback into distinct and understandable parts. That will make it easier for employees to grasp and then act upon. Start by describing the behavior, expressing your feelings about it, laying out clear expectations, and then sharing possible consequences. For instance, “I’ve noticed you tend to run late to our team meetings. That behavior makes me feel as though you don’t prioritize our time together and it disrupts the flow of our discussions. I’d like to see you arrive on time for our future scheduled meetings. Once we address this issue, we’ll have more productive and efficient meetings and be able to have them less often.” 3. EDGE (Explain, Describe, Give, End Positively) Ensure feedback flows smoothly with this method. This strategy can serve as a roadmap for your feedback discussions, making sure you have all of the important points covered. As the acronym states, start by explaining the area for improvement, including describing what you noticed. Then give specific feedback and be sure to end on a positive note. Here’s an example: “I wanted to chat about our recent sales pitch with the client, because having stellar presentations is really important to our future success. I noticed that during the pitch you spoke very quickly and didn’t seem eager to engage with the client in meaningful conversation. To enhance pitches going forward, I suggest slowing down your speech, asking open-ended questions, and then actively listening to the client’s needs. I know those small adjustments will make you an even better communicator and help us to close even more deals.” 4. 360-Degree Feedback In this comprehensive approach, you’ll gather input from multiple sources, including peers, direct reports, supervisors, and the individual themselves. You’re essentially collecting feedback from everyone around the person to get some different perspectives and views. This is particularly effective for people in middle management who have their own direct reports but also report to you (or someone else). It’s also really helpful for people who work in cross-functional teams, so that you can get a better feel for the way that they are perceived and the way that they interact with others in the company. Start by collecting feedback and gathering insights from the person’s colleagues, subordinates, boss, and then the person themselves. Once you have all of this information available, spend some time compiling what you found out and analyze it. Look for patterns in strengths as well as areas for improvement. Share the feedback privately and constructively, and make sure to devote time to the strengths you appreciate as well as areas for development. Then, collaborate and make a plan for improving moving forward, including setting clear goals and the actions you want to see. An important part of this process is following up periodically. Check in on progress and make sure to provide ongoing support. For more team-centric approaches, strategies to build team trust , and team building tips , make sure to follow our blog. 5. GROW (Goals, Reality, Options, Wrap-Up) Model This four-step process is a good way to help others work toward their goals. The four steps consist of goals, reality, options, and wrapping up. Start with a conversation on goals, then tie that into the current realities of the situation. This will help the person to reflect on recent experiences. Then move into a discussion on the various options open to them, and talk about ways to improve. Finally, summarize by highlighting the key takeaways and action steps. In this example, you can help a staff member who wants to improve their leadership skills. Here is how the conversation might go according to the four steps: “Can you share the specific leadership skills that you want to develop? Maybe share some particular outcomes you’re hoping to achieve? Let’s talk about some of the leadership qualities that I’ve noticed lately, such as when you lead the project meetings on Tuesdays. What’s working well, and what’s challenging in those scenarios?” This will lead to a deeper discussion, where you can encourage the employee to brainstorm ideas with you. “What are some of the approaches you could try? To make those come to fruition, which resources or support do you need?” Ideally the employee will open up about some various ideas as well as what support they need from you. Make sure to wrap up on a positive note that includes concrete action items, for example “Based on this discussion, it seems like the areas for immediate focus are active listening and delegation. Let’s create a plan to delegate certain parts of your project next week, and perhaps sign up for an active listening workshop within this quarter.” 6. Start-Stop-Continue A lot of valuable feedback involves sharing what someone might start doing, what they should stop doing, and what they can continue for peak performance. For instance, the next time you need to have a general feedback discussion, you could say something like: “Let’s start thinking about implementing regular status update emails to keep the team in the loop. It’ll improve our overall communication.” For Stop, you could add something like “On the other hand, you might want to stop micromanaging the team in these ways. It can be demotivating, so let’s focus on helping the team to handle their tasks more effectively.” And finally, to continue, “Lastly, please continue to facilitate our weekly team meetings. Your leadership there has been really effective in facilitating great discussions.” 7. SBI (Situation - Behavior - Impact) Model This process is all about painting a comprehensive picture when you’re giving feedback. It focuses on describing a specific situation, the observed behavior, and the impact of that behavior on the team or work. For example, if you’re talking to an employee about a recent interaction with a client. Here is how you can start the discussion: “Let’s talk about the client meeting we had yesterday. I noticed that you interrupted the client a few times while they were explaining their requirements. I can imagine this made them feel unheard and maybe even frustrated. That could impact our overall client relationship and the work we get moving forward.” After that, follow up with a discussion on how things can be improved and how you are prepared to help. Sometimes, people need additional resources to improve in the ways that you want to see. You should encourage them to share that with you, and talk about what you’ll do to offer support. 8. STAR (Situation - Task - Action - Result) Tactic This option not only sounds cool, but can be really effective. It’s all about making feedback specific and relevant to the actual situation. This can be a good way to share negative or positive feedback, but it can be especially useful when you have good news to share. If we want to use another example from an employee during a client pitch, you can start by describing the situation. “Remember that important client meeting last week where we needed to secure a new contract? You were tasked with presenting our products’ features and benefits in a really convincing way. You were well-prepared and did a great job addressing the client's concerns, and offered real solutions. And guess what? You nailed it and we secured a huge contract. Congrats!” This is a powerful way to share great information with your star employee (get it?). 9. BOOST (Balanced, Objective, Observable, Specific, Timely) model The best feedback is objective and balanced, and includes behavior that is actually observable and relevant. This helps to ensure that feedback is fair, unbiased, and actionable, and also provides an avenue for future conversations. For example, if you want to give some feedback to a software engineer about coding, you could say: “I wanted to offer some feedback on some strengths and improvement areas. As you know, our objective is to improve coding efficiency and quality. I noticed in your recent code review that you found and fixed critical bugs before they caused problems in production. You showed superior debugging skills and attention to detail.” Share this feedback directly after a project so that the information is timely and specific to something the employee will remember. 10. CAS (Criticize - Ask - Suggest) This feedback technique combines constructive criticism with open-ended questions and options for improvement. Though you start with criticism, you move into a discussion with questions and then end with actionable suggestions. Here’s an example you could share with a marketing leader: “I’ve got some concerns about the effectiveness of the most recent campaign. Can you help me to understand how you chose that specific audience? How about for our next round we take a more data-driven approach and refine some of the market research available to target an audience?” Retreats offer an opportunity for feedback Providing feedback to employees is a crucial part of developing them and improving performance over time. It’s not always easy to find time to have these discussions, but an annual review is a good place to start. Some people find quarterly reviews worthwhile, but really you can have these discussions as often as you (and your employee) would like. If your staff isn’t geographically close or partly remote, it can be harder to schedule these conversations. That’s where an offsite retreat comes into play. You can use that time to pull employees aside and have one on one conversations.  A team-building retreat offers time to learn and train together, as well as time to socialize and provide valuable feedback. A company or team retreat provides quality time between managers and their reports and offers lots of chances for giving feedback using any of the methods we covered here. Source:
July 7, 2024
When it comes to managing employee behavior and performance issues, the progressive discipline process offers obvious benefits One of the most difficult challenges for many companies is the need to address negative behavior and performance issues in the workplace. Without a concrete plan to manage discipline, decisions may end up being arbitrary, inconsistent, and even open to legal action. That's why it is incumbent upon businesses to develop sound disciplinary policies that clearly outline how these problems are addressed. A progressive discipline process is one commonly used option. In this post, we'll provide a progressive discipline definition and explain its many benefits. We'll also examine the steps that are commonly used in any system of progressive disciplinary action. What is progressive discipline? Progressive discipline is a process that involves a structured approach to correcting employee behaviors. Organizations that adopt the progressive disciplinary process implement a system of corrective actions that escalate in severity with each infraction. This allows management to provide helpful notice to employees that gives them an opportunity to correct their own behaviors or performance issues and avoid any escalation in discipline. Since organizations should use disciplinary processes to correct undesirable behaviors rather than punish offenders, this progressive approach offers one of the best ways to achieve that goal. It ensures that management communicates problems to employees in a clear and timely manner and provides a structured way to encourage improvements in performance and behavior . For managers who may struggle to deal with problem employees, this process can also provide a guided approach to engaging in difficult conversations. What are the benefits associated with progressive discipline? There are many benefits for companies that implement a progressive disciplinary policy for their organizations. We've listed some of the most important benefits below. This type of discipline process can help managers and employees to resolve concerns before bigger issues arise The progressive disciplinary approach can facilitate improved communication between management and their workers, which can help managers to develop more productive and higher-performing teams Implemented properly, this disciplinary approach provides employees with fair notice about expected behavior and results, and promotes accountability By using a progressive series of increasingly severe corrective measures, employees have incentive to self-correct Management can avoid arbitrary decisions that could lead to negative consequences, including legal concerns in some jurisdictions Employee retention and job satisfaction tend to be higher in environments that provide clear expectations and a fair, just, and consistent disciplinary process Because steps in the process are typically well-documented, employers will have an easier time defending difficult decisions about suspensions and terminations What are the typical steps of the progressive disciplinary process? To understand how a progressive disciplinary process works in a real-world company setting, let's examine a typical step-by-step progressive approach. Some of the most common disciplinary policies use a four-step framework that involves increasingly serious consequences for the employee. 1. Verbal warning This is almost always the first disciplinary action in any progressive discipline system. As soon as an issue comes to management's attention, someone is tasked with warning the employee about the problem. This warning can be delivered in either an informal or formal meeting, during which the employee is told about the behavioral or performance problem. In many cases, management also provides the employee with recommended steps that they can take to correct the issue so that further action can be avoided. Even though the warning is delivered verbally, company policies should require that the person issuing the warning document important details. These details include vital information like when the warning was given and the behavior or other issues that prompted the action. The documentation should also list everyone involved in the meeting, the actions the employee agreed to take to correct the problems, and whether any follow-up conversations are scheduled. 2. Written warning When verbal warnings don't lead to the necessary positive change, management then typically follows up with the next progressive disciplinary step – the written warning. This is a more formal action designed to signal to the employee that the issue has become a more serious concern. Some companies include the possibility for multiple written warnings within this stage of the progressive discipline process. The written warning should describe the employee's failures, the policies that have been violated, and specific steps that they must take if they want to get back in the company's good graces. It should also provide fair warning about the consequences the employee will experience if those corrective actions are not followed. Employers should allow employees to discuss the document and should inform them that signing it is simply an acknowledgment that they received the warning. Again, everything about this meeting should be documented, and the documentation and written warning should be placed in the employee's employment file. That documentation should include details about the participants in the meeting – all of whom should have signed the warning - as well as the agreed-upon action plan to correct the behavior and other important information that provides an accurate historical record of the meeting. 3. Final warning, including possible suspension period Once the written warning step has been exhausted (again, some companies may provide as many as three written warnings before escalating the process), the next stage of the progressive discipline process is considered the final warning. This is another document-based corrective action that basically puts the employee on notice that any continued failure to correct the problem will result in termination. Sometimes, this final warning can also be accompanied by a period of suspension without compensation. Like the other warnings, this one should be well-documented with details about the policies that have been violated and what the employee was told to do to correct the situation. The documentation should also note that this is the final warning. It must be signed by everyone present at the meeting and stored in the employee's employment file. 4. Termination As you might expect, the most drastic and final step of the progressive discipline process involves the termination of the employee. While the entire process is designed to correct behavior and avoid this step, there are times when there is no other option but to fire an employee who fails to correct behavior or performance issues. This step also requires detailed documentation and careful attention to the details.  Larger companies will typically want to handle termination through human resources, and sometimes in consultation with employment lawyers if potential legal issues could arise. Witnesses should always be present whenever possible and the employee should be given a detailed review of the entire process, beginning with the verbal warning. The termination notice itself should be provided in written form, with a copy placed in the employment file. The appeal In addition to that four-step approach to corrective action, effective progressive discipline often includes an opportunity to appeal decisions made in each step of the process. This provides the employee with an opportunity to offer evidence or arguments in opposition to the discipline. Sometimes, employee behaviors involve disabilities or other issues that may require some sort of accommodation. The appeals process can help to promote fairer outcomes based on the best available information. Designing your progressive discipline policy If you're tasked with implementing a progressive disciplinary process in your workplace, it's vital to ensure that you have a well-constructed policy that outlines every key detail. Make sure that yours includes each of the following elements. Details about each step of the progressive disciplinary process This section of your policy should outline each progressive step your company takes to address employee misconduct and performance concerns. You may want to include a brief explanation of each, so that employees know what to expect if they fail to meet expectations. Exceptions that may result in immediate termination Some violations of policy are so serious that they qualify for immediate termination of employment. You should cite specific examples of these actions. For example, criminal activities, physical abuse of co-workers, theft, and similar actions may fall outside of the normal progressive discipline scheme. Any necessary disclaimers Each policy should also include disclaimers that preserve the employer's right to enforce the policy, disregard certain elements when necessary, or make needed changes. Legal issues like at-will employment should also be addressed in this section. Adhering to your company's progressive discipline policy Once you have a policy in place, it's important to make sure that it's followed as rigorously as possible. Employees tend to adapt to the prevailing company culture, and any failure of consistency or fair application of policy will impact their adherence to company rules, productivity goals, and other performance and behavioral metrics. Progressive discipline: a powerful tool to impact employee behavior Without clear disciplinary policies in place, any company will struggle to achieve a fair and balanced application of rules and expectations. Fortunately, the progressive discipline approach offers a clear and understandable approach to managing and correcting negative behaviors and performance issues. By creating and implementing your own progressive disciplinary processes, you can develop a powerful workplace culture that helps employees to overcome their shortcomings and meet your expectations. Source:
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